Residences in Santa Clara County have the opportunity to benefit from surveys and rebates offered through the Santa Clara Valley Water District.
Landscape Rebate Program

The Landscape Rebate Program provides rebates for homeowners and businesses that increase their outdoor water use efficiency by replacing high water use landscape and/or upgrading to high efficiency irrigation equipment. Maximum rebate amounts may apply to participating residents and properties in Santa Clara County by replacing high water using plants, such as turf grass, with low water using plants from an approved plant list or by installing permeable hardscape.
Click here to learn more about the Landscape Rebate Program from Valley Water

Irrigation Equipment Rebates
Need an upgrade? Valley Water will help you replace qualifying inefficient irrigation hardware with approved efficient equipment (includes weather-based irrigation controllers, rain sensors, and more).
Click here to learn more about Irrigation Equipment Rebates from Valley Water
Free Water Wise Outdoor Survey
Go to Water Wise Outdoor Survey to learn more. An irrigation professional will:
- Evaluate the efficiency of your irrigation system, noting and flagging problems
- Make recommendations for upgrades and repairs
- Provide a personal irrigation schedule
- Send you a detailed written report
- Prepare a pre-landscape rebate survey if appropriate
Graywater Laundry to Landscape Rebate Program
Receive at least $200 per residential site for enabling your clothes washer to irrigate your yard with graywater. Apply online and find how-to-videos at No pre-inspection required, but wait for approval before beginning any work on your project. Find out more at
Rainwater Capture Rebate
Rebates are available for rainwater capture installations or diversions efforts such as:
- Installation of a qualifying rain barrel to collect rain water from existing downspouts for a rebate of at least $35/barrel.
- Diverting existing downspouts to qualifying cisterns to receive a rebate of at least $0.50/gallon.
- Installation of a rain garden to collect roof water runoff for a rebate of at least $1/square foot of roof diverted, up to $300.
Click here to find out more information!