The Purissima Hills Water District (PHWD) has completed several strategic projects over the past few years, each of them building upon the other, in order to best consider the entire PHWD system and its capital infrastructure rehabilitation and improvements needs.
Why Is a Capital Improvement Program Important?
- It allows for a systematic evaluation of all potential projects at the same time in a prioritized order.
- It allows for grouping of projects for construction, which will reduce overall program cost.
- It aids in the preservation of the PHWD’s infrastructure while ensuring the efficient use of public funds.
- It provides sound information to the Board of Directors and its customers on the infrastructure needs of the PHWD.
- Through its development, it allows an opportunity to foster cooperation among staff, management, and the District Engineer.
- It is a reinvestment of ratepayer dollars back into the water system, which is good financial stewardship.
Capital Improvement Summary 2021 (PDF)

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